
About Weje

Enter organized chaos

Over the last decade, we’ve seen a complete shift in how people work. Many companies did away with offices, favoring hybrid workplaces, while some went fully remote. Behind this shift are collaboration platforms — places that make remote collaboration widely accessible. And yet, it was still a tiresome process to work with content for web projects.

One day we realized how much time we were wasting trying to use the available collaboration platforms. We decided to launch Weje to combine the power of collaboration whiteboards with data collection and audio-visual media libraries to provide unlimited possibilities for working with content on the web.

The idea behind Weje, originally Webjets, was to create content from just about anything you find on the Internet: full-page articles, images, sheets, pdf files, Google Docs, or videos from YouTube. Today Weje helps people embrace the chaos of creativity through effective teamwork, collaboration, and synergy. The platform allows creatives to get the job done how they feel comfortable, focusing on outcomes rather than processes.


In January 2021, we started working on Weje and made it to the first public release on September 13th, 2021. We launched on Product Hunt, where we got the “Product of the Day” award, 1200 upvotes, and a 4.8-star rating. Three months later, we had the first 1,000 boards published from the platform

Weje Awards

However, that version of Weje was far different from the one you see now. Since then, we have started growing the user base to thousands of paid subscribers and many more active free plan users.

The team behind Weje

Eugene, Florida


Responsible for development, key partnerships, and marketing. A serial entrepreneur since 2001. 5 companies sold.

Egor, Georgia


Responsible for the technical side of Weje and the actual product vision.

Paul, Israel

Strategy and Vision

Founder of Webjets, a pre-Weje version. Author of the concept of service and a bigger vision of Weje OS based on the web objects and connections and Weje Open Platform.

HyperTech Inc
220 East 23rd St, Office 401, New York, NY 10010