
MoSCoW Prioritization by Weje

Prioritizing multiple tasks becomes a nightmare if you don’t know how to do that. There is a useful method to solve this problem. Gather your ideas and tasks and sort them into four different columns based on priority. These four columns are Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have. That’s why the method is called MoSCoW Prioritization. Weje offers you a predesigned template that will come in handy for businesses, organizations, as well as for personal use. Just follow a brief tutorial to learn how to better prioritize your work.

Pick up a MoSCoW Prioritization Template

Once you’ve signed up to Weje, choose “MoSCoW Prioritization” on the dashboard. Customize the project’s name and click “Create.”

Edit and Adjust the Template

MoSCow Prioritization template consists of four columns: Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have. Each column is marked with a different color and has a few cards in it. Imagine being at the beginning of an artist career. You know that there are tons of things to do, but you need to decide what’s most important for your progress now. Just brainstorm the ideas in a list and add them to different columns following your intuition and knowledge. These points may go into various columns depending on your situation. In the example below, the focus is on the first and foremost attributes for any artist — stage name, music material, mission, etc. 2-moscow-template-example MoSCow Prioritization board is made of customizable cards that can have different colors, text styles, and functions. Drag and drop a card to change its location, click on it and alter the color, highlight a piece of text and change the font, like in the GIF below. In Weje, you can add audio and video files, images, Google documents, etc. It’s helpful when you need to enrich your text content with visuals and sounds and keep all the relevant information about your project in front of your eye. Use the buttons in the lower part of your screen to create text cards, Doodle cards (where you can freely draw), upload files, and create lists. In the GIF below, an image and a playable audio file have been added to the board, and they have been connected to the relevant cards in the “Could Have” and “Must Have” sections accordingly.

Share MoSCoW Prioritization with Collaborators

Weje helps you quickly invite your collaborators and friends via the invitation link or directly in the email. You can control your access settings and decide who can edit or view the project. On the other hand, you can make your project public for everyone on the internet. Click on the three-dot symbol in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, choose the Public switch on or off, type in the email address of a person you want to share your board with, and click “Invite,” like in the GIF below. You can also change the cover of your MoSCoW Prioritization board, label (color of your project in the main menu), and create its copy.

Free for personal use

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