
PESTLE Analysis by Weje

PESTLE analysis is one of the most crucial and commonly used research methods that helps investors decide whether or not to spend money on a specific market. PESTLE stands for Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental — the key aspects that influence such a big decision. PESTLE analysis is used by entrepreneurs and companies that want to find new markets for selling their goods and services. In Weje, you can create your PESTLE analysis table in no time by using a free template. Here’s a brief instruction on how to do it.

Pick up a PESTLE Analysis template

Once you’ve signed up to Weje, click “Show all templates” on the dashboard and choose “PESTLE Analysis”. Customize the project’s name and click “Create.”

Edit and Adjust the Template

A PESTLE Analysis template consists of 6 colored cards named accordingly: Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. Imagine you have a lot of money and are looking to make more by starting a business in another country. To make such a crucial decision, you need to thoroughly study the situation there. This includes political stability, corruption, legal aspects for businesses, taxation options, etc. A variety of these factors is mentioned in the PESTLE Analysis template by default. It’s best to find information about every factor that may influence your business idea’s success, like in the example below. 2-pestle-analysis-example The PESTLE analysis board, like all boards in Weje, is made of cards — customizable elements with different colors and functions. You can easily move them around the board, change text styles, draw, create lists, etc. Weje also allows you to add audio and video files, images, Google documents, which helps you gather all data for your PESTLE Analysis in one place without leaving the board. Use the buttons in the lower part of your screen to create text cards, Doodle cards (where you can freely draw), upload files, and create lists. In the GIF below, a text file and a YouTube video are added to the board and connected to the cards accordingly.

Share your PESTLE Analysis board with collaborators

Weje helps you quickly invite your team members via the invitation link or directly in the email. You can control your access settings and decide who can edit or view the project. On the other hand, you can make your project public for everyone on the internet. Click on the three-dot symbol in the upper left-hand corner of your screen, choose the Public switch on or off, type in the email address of your teammate, and click “Invite,” like in the GIF below. You can also change the cover of your PESTLE Analysis board, its label (color of your project in the main menu), and create a copy.

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