
How to Stay Connected and Avoid Roaming Charges On Business Travels

Staying connected is a must, especially when you’re on the move for work. However, dealing with spotty connections or sky-high roaming charges can be challenging. Fortunately for business travelers, there’s a quick and easy solution to all your internet problems—an eSIM app.

Read on and learn all about eSIM apps and how you can use them to gain affordable internet access regardless of where you are.

What Is an eSIM App?

An eSIM, short for embedded SIM, is a virtual version of the standard SIM card we’re all familiar with. An eSIM does everything that a standard plastic SIM card does, except that it doesn’t physically exist—it is simply operated through an app installed on your mobile device.

An eSIM app is a small, handy mobile application that allows you to easily purchase different eSIM plans from among hundreds of available options all over the world. Simply put, if you’re traveling abroad for work or leisure, just download an eSIM app, select a data plan in your country of destination, and use the internet after you arrive. It’s that simple.

Choosing and Downloading an eSIM App

A very important advantage of eSIM apps is that you can download them well in advance of your trip. This means you don’t have to worry about getting an internet connection at the last minute. You can use the time before your trip to download and install an eSIM app, but before doing so, make sure that:

● Your eSIM app provider offers the destination you’re heading to.
● Your device is eSIM compatible—unfortunately, eSIM is a fairly new technology, and older devices may not support it.

Once you’ve downloaded the eSIM app, open it, select the plan you want to purchase, and install the package. You should do it right away—it won’t activate the plan. You will still have to activate the eSIM before you can use it, and additionally, activate the plan before you travel.

If you’re not sure what to do, just refer to your eSIM app provider’s website—they most certainly provide installation instructions for both Android and iOS users.

Should You Get an eSIM App?

Your regular business SIM card might serve you just fine, and you’re probably wondering why you’d even consider an alternative. Well, there are several compelling reasons to explore beyond what you’re currently using:

1. Avoid Overspending

Technically, you don’t have to swap your SIM card when you go abroad. Your network will probably work fine. What’s not fine is that you may be unpleasantly surprised to see how much money you’ve spent on simply reading emails. Depending on the country, roaming charges for mobile data can be horrendous.

The cheapest way to stay connected to the internet in a foreign country is to buy a SIM card from a local provider. Still, time is precious, and many business travelers choose to stick with their home service provider and overpay. If your company covers your data usage expenses, then it’s not your concern. But if you are in charge of your own finances or manage someone else’s, the costs can quickly become unreasonable. It’s more cost-effective to download an eSIM app and utilize local data plans.

2. Prioritize Your Time and Convenience

Traveling on business means that you are visiting a foreign country, but you aren’t as free to enjoy it. More often than not, business travelers have to worry about meetings and contracts before they even leave the airport. There is no time for delays, and struggling to find a store that sells SIM cards from local service providers is a very unwanted distraction in a busy schedule.

Using an eSIM app for overseas connectivity is a time saver. You don’t have to buy starter packs or try to talk to vendors in a language you barely know a few words in. With eSIM apps, all you have to do is choose a country and a plan.

3. Know What Costs You Can Expect to Pay

Mobile operators charge for downloaded data, which means you pay after using a certain amount. With roaming activated, the cost per megabyte is obviously higher than normal. You may be surprised to be charged a hefty sum for simply watching a video or accessing a few websites.

With an eSIM app, you don’t have to be surprised ever again because when you purchase a data plan, you pay in advance for a certain number of gigabytes of data. This makes budgeting for your trip easier because you can plan your internet expenses.

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