Weje board for online sketching allows you to quickly draw your ideas as if you had a sheet of paper and a pen. Such a format also helps you share sketches in the blink of an eye. This tool fits anyone who wants to quickly grab the ideas, save them for later, or share them with other people.
Online sketching boards may come in handy for designers, artists, musicians, cops, social workers, marketers, attorneys, certified lover boys, and other criminals. It may not be of good use for detailed drawings and sketches, though. This is a simple tool, so it’s best to appreciate its simplicity.
3 Benefits of using online sketching tools
Let’s quickly review the three benefits that you can get from using Weje online sketching tool.
Easy to share
It’s cool to have a tool to quickly draw something inappropriate and send it to everyone on the internet. Just kidding. Or not?
Save ideas for later
You never know where a brilliant idea may run into you. Having a smartphone or a laptop connected to Weje you can save your concepts for later. Since sometimes you’re a bit indecisive on the realization stage, perhaps the people of the future would be more persistent relying on your sketches.
Convenience and simplicity
One or two lines drawn — and your concept is there, nice and ready to be shared with collaborators. Online sketching with Weje is really that simple: you won’t get confused by hundreds of professional menus and options.
5 Tips on using an online sketch board
We’ve collected five killer tips on how to use this tool.
1. Draw logos on a go
If you draw a logo on a foggy bus window, the idea disappears. That’s when online sketching boards are coming in handy to capture your design ideas.

2. Send a heart to your loved ones
Why not send her/him a hand-drawn heart, flower, smiling face just to remind them that you’re still in love? Sometimes it’s better to express your feelings in a naive, childish way, rather than sending a regular emoji or text instead.

3. Sketch memes
There are trillions of memes on the internet, but it’s never enough. If you don’t have professional meme-generation tools at hand, use Weje online sketching board to capture your meme ideas.

4. Brainstorm ideas
In offices, they often use sticky notes, and they always come off of the glass walls, turning brainstorming into a complete mess. An online sticky note won’t go off because it is stored on a special online server. Besides, it’s 100% eco-friendly.

5. Anti-stress drawing
Imagine you just had a cringe two-hour silent date with a random dude from Tinder, who looks very different in flesh. Just open your Weje account, create a Doodle card (that’s how our online sketching tool is called, btw), and draw chaotic red lines all over the place to express your pain and let it go.

How to Use the Online Sketching Template
First off, you need to register at Weje (no card or phone number required). Go to your dashboard, create a board from scratch or use one of many pre-designed templates (to-do list, action plan, lesson plan, you name it). Then create a Doodle card by clicking on a symbol in the lower part of your screen. Choose color, brush type, transparency level, etc., and start drawing whatever it is you want to be captured in eternity.