
Working Remotely from Another Country: Things You Need to Know

Being forced to work from home has demonstrated that it’s not the productivity-impacting boogeyman employers feared it would be, and people are more inclined than ever to continue working from home. Since one’s physical presence at the office is no longer non-negotiable, some employees naturally want to take the next step and start working from wherever it suits them.

Are you such a person or a digital nomad looking to strike out on their own in a foreign land? Then this practical guide is essential reading!

Carefully Research Your Destination First

While working surrounded by breathtaking vistas is one of the perks of the lifestyle you aspire to, much more goes into picking the right country. Specifically, you’ll want to decide whether you’re locating there for the short- or the long-term. Then, you’ll want to consider what type of visa the country offers.

Digital nomad visas are becoming increasingly popular since they simplify the work permit and residence application process. More importantly, digital nomads classified as independent contractors don’t need to pay local taxes during their stay. Your company should handle most of the paperwork if you’re an employee. Still, you’ll want to get acquainted with local laws to ascertain your rights and obligations.

It would help if you also familiarize yourself with the state and coverage of your destination’s healthcare system. Look into health insurance plans that ensure you’ll be provided for in case of an emergency regardless of your status.

Time Zone Considerations

Relocating halfway across the globe might be thrilling, but it can also introduce productivity roadblocks. Collaborating with teammates becomes much more challenging the larger the time difference. Depending on your destination, you may need to take a flexible approach to working hours to at least somewhat overlap with everyone else. You’ll also have to transition from real-time to asynchronous communication and adapt your working style accordingly.


Many remote work destinations are appealing due to comparatively low expenses. Even so, you’ll want to create a budget that accounts for accommodations, food, leisure, and unforeseen expenses. Working in a country with lower living costs is a perfect opportunity to build up some savings as well.

Create a Productive Workspace

A drastic change of scenery can impact your working habits, so creating a workspace to call your own and developing a routine should be high on your initial priorities list. Where you’ll work varies – some countries have a developed café work culture, while others might offer dedicated coworking spaces instead.

Wherever you end up, don’t neglect fundamentals like access to electricity and a strong internet connection. You’re hopefully aware of the dangers of local Wi-Fi, so it’s a better idea to rely on an eSIM service for your internet data source since you can turn it into a hotspot. Going the eSIM route is especially useful if you plan on visiting several countries since you can choose the most affordable plan in each. To select the best eSIM, do your research thoroughly.

Maintaining a good work-life balance is another challenge you may need to overcome. Some people could be tempted to slack off in their remote role. Others cope with the changes by focusing even more intensely on work and risking burnout. To combat both extremes, develop a productive routine resistant to location changes.

Connect with the Natives & Local Digital Nomad Groups

Remote work can be challenging in ways you haven’t anticipated. Feeling isolated isn’t uncommon and carries other risks. Adapting is another challenge, even if the place you moved to shares many cultural similarities with your home country.

Once you’re sure of your destination, reach out to others who’ve been in your shoes already. Most popular digital nomad destinations already have established and thriving communities eager to help newbies out. That being said, nothing beats locals with insider knowledge on everything from unwritten rules of conduct to the best spots ordinary tourists aren’t privy to. Cultivate meaningful relationships with them for a more immersive and meaningful experience.

Take Cybersecurity Seriously

Remote workers are in increased danger from cyber threats, so self-reliance and a good grasp of cybersecurity best practices are a must. Always protect your devices with PINs or biometrics, keep local and remote backups, and encrypt sensitive or otherwise important files.

Your daily workflow likely relies on dozens of apps to streamline collaboration, project and time management, etc. Maintaining their security means having a one-of-a-kind and complex password for each, and ensuring that manually is tedious. A password manager is the superior option.

Use password managers like NordPass to automate password generation and storage and even securely share your passwords with your colleagues. They work across devices, encrypt passwords and other sensitive data, and can help you thwart attacks like phishing scams. Better ones also offer two-factor authentication as a life-saving account recovery measure.


Exchanging your drab office for a new and exciting locale can be life-changing and immensely rewarding, but only if you’re aware of the challenges you’ll likely face beforehand. We hope you’ll keep the above tips in mind when embarking on this new adventure!

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