
Project-Based Learning: Integrating Project Management in Education

Project-based learning (PBL) has become popular in our educational system because of how beneficial it is to students. Schools are adopting PBL in the classroom because students get to focus on real-world problems when PBL is used, and they get to solve them while developing useful skills in the process. So, this blog post will be talking about a project-based approach and how it can be integrated into our educational system.

What is Project-Based Learning?

Project-based learning is a form of learning in schools where students are presented with a problem or challenge, and they are allowed to not only gain knowledge but also skills when they work within a timeframe to solve, investigate, and respond to the complex question or problem they were presented with. Based on the educator’s requirements, the students may work individually or in teams and present their findings to the class. The learning projects the students are given are real-world problems.

What is Project Management?

Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals and objectives. It includes assigning tasks, setting timelines, managing budgets, and monitoring progress to ensure that the goal or task is met.

Benefits of Integrating Project Management in PBL

Some students pass through school with good grades, but they do not learn anything, and they are not equipped for the real world. Some of them, look for students who do homework for money to help them with their assignments. They struggle to read and pass their tests and examinations, and below is why project-based learning is helpful.

1. It helps students to learn time management and organization because while carrying out their research on project-based learning they will learn to be organized and manage time because they have a deadline on when they need to turn in their submissions and make the necessary presentations in class.

2. Students learn task delegation and teamwork especially if the learning project is divided into groups and not individually. The students in each group will learn how to work together and how tasks will be delegated for the benefit of the whole group.

3. Since students are given real-world problems to deal with in PBL teaching they have to think critically and look for ways to solve the problem thereby honing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

4. It prepares students for the future careers they want to embark on and their industry because it gives them an idea of what to expect.

5. Some students are bored out of their minds listening to their teachers or lecturers teach. So, project-based learning makes them more engaged in learning.

Practical Tips for Implementation

Start in a small way

After adopting project-based learning in the school curriculum it is important that when starting project-based learning you do that in bits. Not all students understand project management tools or methodologies on the go, it is important not to overwhelm them initially. So, when you introduce them to project-based learning, teach them how to break down their projects into manageable tasks. Teach them how to track the progress they make in their project and how to work with timelines. When they get more comfortable, you can introduce them to advanced methodologies in project management like communication plans, Gantt charts, risk management, etc.

Use project management software

There are so many tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, Trello, etc that can help students organize and manage their projects well without stress. with the help of these tools, they can assign tasks and deadlines to their team members, track the progress of tasks, communicate with team members, and also visualize their good project timeline. While making use of this software in project-based learning, students can task delegate, prioritize, organize, manage time, and become digitally literate because they have to learn how to use this software effectively.

Encourage student leadership

As an educator who is integrating project management in education, allow students to take up leadership roles in their projects. Do not micromanage them. When you do that, you not only increase students’ leadership but also make the students more motivated to work on their projects since the success or failure of their projects lies in them. The student learns how to quickly solve problems that will come up and learns leadership traits like guiding team members and delegating tasks. As an educator, just give students guidance and support when they need it, give them clear goals and objectives, and allow them to work without hovering around them.

Foster collaboration

As an educator, when implementing project-based learning, encourage teamwork among students. Teach them how to solve problems, communicate effectively, adapt where necessary, and resolve conflicts that will come up in the course of working together. The reason is that in the real world, they will have team members and they will have group projects to work on. Encourage the students to give each other feedback and support. Let them know how to use software that will aid their project-based learning. When they are done with the project, they should look at areas that need work as individuals and as a team.

Provide feedback and support

As an educator, while project-based learning is ongoing, you need to provide students with your support. When the project is over, give them your feedback. The reason for this is that it helps students know areas to improve. While the project is ongoing, giving them your support helps them stay on track so that they work on the goals of the project and meet their deadlines. Some ways that you can provide this feedback and support so that it does not seem like you are being partial is by having group discussions. When a project milestone is met, you can provide written feedback to the student or group as the case may be. When it is impossible, facilitate class discussions and reflections on the project.

Celebrate successes

For a student, completing project-based learning is not easy. The effort and time put into it is unmatched. Educators must celebrate successes after project-based learning. When you do that, it boosts the morale of students, for those who felt bad at how their project turned out, you can still make them take pride in their work and the fact that they had put in that much in their work.

If you are wondering ways, you can celebrate successes without just being in the confines of the classroom, you should consider recognizing the students in the school assemblies. If the school has an exhibition, the project can be displayed there. You can give them certifications or badges for completing their projects and you can also share their successes on the school’s websites or social media platforms. Being appreciated will make the students feel good and encourage other students to take project-based learning seriously.


The benefits of integrating project management in Project-Based Learning are enormous because of how beneficial it is to students and their learning experience. Besides gaining or honing skills in students, it also teaches them about project development, execution, and delivery. So, if you are an educator, adopt project-based learning today.

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